Aug 9, 20222 min

Raising The Visibility Season 1 RECAP!

RAISING THE VISIBILITY is Hope For Us Network’s newest digital education series exploring mental health care in the 21st century! Each episode is a Livestream broadcast that offers interactive education and discussion experience on The Network’s Twitch Channel.

SEASON 1: Stimgas and our Institutions

We examined social and cultural factors that can create "blind spots" among professionals, leading to obstacles in identifying, validating, and servicing mental health challenges.

Together with voices representing lived experience, advocacy, clinicians, and professionals, we hope to have a comprehensive discussion identifying problems and seeking solutions!

We aired six episodes with nearly 20 hours of original, intensive dialogue and discussion that included engaging shared experiences and illuminating discourse.

We enjoyed phenomenal collaborations with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Illinois Chapter. They teamed up with us to provide expert voices for several guest features and panel members.

Episode 1: Body Image

Can a waist size invalidate someone’s mental health? Can you be "too pretty" to have depression? What if you're a person with a disability? Data piling up indicates that our external reality can impact how we are given support for our internal experience.

Episode 2: AGE

Can there be a too young or too old to have mental health challenges?

Episode 3: Orientation

When who we are attracted to impacts how we are treated and supported.

Episode 4: Mental Health & Violence In America

America has a violence problem. The stats are staggering, and reading them can make anyone feel helpless and hopeless that the carnage will recede. America has a violence problem. Is it mental health? Is there any hope?

Episode 5: Ethnicity

When it comes to the intersection of ethnicity and bias in mental health, there is a double-edged obstacle. Institutions can maintain bias inherited from systemic practices of racism and inequity rife in society at large. But stigmas and obstacles to accessing mental health can grow from within our cultures, entangled with core values inherited in our ethnic heritage and customs.

Episode 6: Body Image

Who can afford to have mental illness and trauma?